Because we've had such a hot, dry summer, our CSA box has been filled with lots of these:
so much, so that there is an entire large folding table of them, drying in my garage. Does anyone want some organic dried red peppers? Or can suggest any uses for them, beyond the usual?? I've got some dried from years ago, which have ceased to look decorative and now look merely petrified. They've become little grey shriveled nubbins in their quaint Ball jar. (Yes, during my eBay period, I collected lots and lots of 1940s Ball jars . . .)
This appeared magnificently in the back garden:
The zig-zag thread she's spun looks just like cotton; quite durable, it seems. I haven't noticed any prey within her web, but the web itself must be 4 feet across. She herself is--let me check--3 inches at least. And she HAS caught something; she's almost finished mummifying it right this minute. I wonder what it is--or was??
I've gotten back to yoga; my bag awaits. It feels really good, but I'm stiff after a summer away from it.
But with my Pilates class, too, I'll soon be a toned rubberband, with muscles rippling at every movement . . .
L is busy with cello; she took this herself of herself (with the timer, I presume):
Speaking of Father H, church and Sunday school, both adult and youth, satisfyingly loony and fun. We talked about Descartes (I think, therefore I am . . .) one week and Kierkegaard last week! Oh the odd questions that arose! Can't wait for Sunday to roll around again . . .