Thanks to Mother Pie for including me in pondering what I'm still doing:
Still working for the same woman who hired me over 20 years ago
Still procrastinating about my sewing
Still wondering what I'm really meant to be doing
Still glad I moved South when I did
Still glad I haven't culled anything from my cookbook shelf; if I do, they go in a pile until I can stand it no longer, and return them to their shelf
Still cherishing memories, and finding I don't need physical prompts to jar them as often as I used to
Still wishing I were travelling, and the euro were on parity with the dollar
Still hoping for government that does what it's supposed to, on all levels
Still practicing yoga, for which I am truly thankful
Still grateful I have my little family, and we like being with each other, even in the midst of teenagedom
Still happy D is the driving instructor
Still wondering why fashion trends and I seem to have gone in two different directions.
Still looking forward to another year here!
Thanks, Hattie, for the prompt!