Thursday, January 31, 2008

cello strings

apparently are prone to slipping. After an entire morning spent taking the cello to the music shop for a tune-up, it is IN TUNE. I can't tell you the frustration evinced by this slipping out of tune during a half hour practice (not to mention the shouting . . .). Now L has something to apply to the pegs, to swell them and keep the strings in line, thanks to asking music shop guy. Score one for mom.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Studio C

A brief look inside M's Studio C and my sublet corner of the crafting universe where my loom etc. reside. We shall draw a veil over our attempts at cooperatives for the moment.

My loom, dormant for many years, now has this pink warp:

And pink-ish weft. M and I are going to do some dyeing experiments on it, when it's done. I hadn't woven in so long, that I failed to remember to mark where to end one "shawl" and begin the next, so this is just one long continuous thing. What? A finished object soon . . .

M's work table in the other room, plus the beverage center. The microwave is strictly for non-food-related projects. But my electric kettle fits in well, no?

M's sewing central; lots of great stuff coming off this. I'll put up some pix of her quilted bags and her dolls. Very inspiring.

Media center; we get 3 channels, so we can watch Martha, some soap operas, and, if we stay late enough, the mighty O herself . . . Should we have the TV on to interrupt our connection to the muse??

Thursday, January 24, 2008

watch out

Bear; I don't think Soul wants any company under there . . .

Monday, January 21, 2008


to let anyone know: my computer is in the hospital, and I don't have much recourse to reading or posting until sometime this week (I hope . . .)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to spend Saturday morning . . .

Ah, a morning spent in the company of Famous B's Saturday Knit-In at a local coffee house; what could be better . . .

A few of my creations on display; both are patterns from Scarf Style, a book I highly recommend.

The mighty hands of B, attempting to finish the Harry Potter sweater for her nephew before his voice changes. (Only kidding, there, B; I believe there is one sleeve left.) B is the saviour of all knitters who come to Knit-In, their halt and lame problems cast before her for her expertise to solve problems big and small.

There was some discussion about progress vs. process knitters; I want to get the thing done (progress), whereas others (B?) are interested in the process and the technique . . . I suppose this kind of attitude can be applied to life in general, can't it?

I think we had a record number yesterday; A and M surprised everyone by being there first! All told, I think there were a least 10; and a junior crafter, age 11, from another table came over to show her rug hooking project. And to take orders for Girl Scout cookies . . .

J getting something to drink, after hammering away at a baby sweater from E. Zimmermann's Knitter's Almanac.

We'll be there next week . . . I can hardly wait!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


In the interest of the greater environment and my space, I'm determined to do away with all of the chemical solvents and cleaners around here. To that end, I poured 1 cup of borax and 1 cup of white vinegar into each toilet and let the mixture molder away, rather than use the scary bleach-added Johnson & Johnson squirt bottle.

The other day, I was at our new, giant whole foods (though locally owned) market, and saw this (you'll have to click on the photo to read the sign). D said this is how they get their water on ships in the navy. Not of course from this water bar, but through the reverse osmosis method. I wonder if this is any better than regular water. As I was pondering this, a woman came along and filled three gallon jugs with it.

L has a job walking Roxanne 3 days a week, and feeding her and the resident 4 cats: Bailey, Blinky, Tinkerbell, and Izzy. Here am I though, holding the leash.

Roxanne is a rescued dog, and was abused before B adopted her (which is a story for another day). She is a wonderful protector and will bark at anything she deems as threatening L or me. Which is to say, everything that moves.

Monday, January 07, 2008


Today, I put some pix on the computer, so I thought I'd present a few here. Saturday I finished the Touch Me scarf from the book Scarf Style, and I was rather pleased with it, though the photo here doesn't really do it justice. It is wonderfully silky, and looks quite sophisticated around a neck, though today it is unseasonably warm, so I'll have to leave it behind when I go out.

I felted it in the washer and the dryer; all the ends satisfactorily disappeared, but there are a few strays, so I may have to use Fraycheck on them.

A soulful Soul regards the basil plant, which continues to do nicely next to the slider to the deck. Usually, my herbs don't thrive inside during the winter, but this one as proved the exception.

Finally, a view of downtown construction from our foray on Friday evening. Our city is in the midst of a condo frenzy, and developers seem determined to obscure any serene views of the river with them. The photo also made me think of Sally's interesting takes on London . . . why, I don't know. But someone who was crossing the street politely waited for me to take this, so I feel obliged to post it.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Out on the Town

Because L is so tech savvy, we now have full frontal video, via the camera and via YouTube! This was just this evening . . .


Yesterday, Stacie had L and another girl over to her studio for an earring-making session. I think both learned a lot; I certainly did, about tools and terms. I had no idea what a jump ring was (the other mother was much more savvy), but now I not only know what it is, I know the correct way to open and close one! Stacie helped the girls all afternoon, picking beads, deciding on a design, helping them twist the wires. It was a wonderful one-on-one tutorial and it opened up a desire in L to get more involved in making something. I think she's quite pleased with these. And she took the photos, too!