Wednesday, February 20, 2008


is trying to take over everything it seems. Very scary. Read this, if you are interested in food labeling and in what you are actually consuming.


Katie Alender said...

So buying a pint of ice cream would begin with three hours of online research to determine the ingredients.

Foods are allowed to say "fat free", and not all fats are bad. Diet sodas can say they're calorie free, and clearly not all calories are bad. In my mind, this is really along those same lines. Monsanto's PR machine shouldn't take precedence over a consumer's right to know what she's eating!

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear. I hate that Big Business thinks it can run our lives and rule our bodies.

Avid Reader said...

I totally hate Monsanto and have for years.

Professor Montblanc said...

tut tut, you could be the head of the fiber arts dept. at ched U it is quite easy work as it is all virtual. very good on the resume.