I got word yesterday that Frank would need a home sooner than I had thought. We went over to the shelter, where I made arrangements to foster him, until it is time for him to be, as my mother would have said, altered. At that point, I can fully adopt him. If I had left D at home, I would have come home with another cat and perhaps a dog. But D wasn't having it.
Frank had been staying with my friend, who has a dog and three other cats. The shelter had put out an emergency call for help, so she stepped in and fostered two 3-kitten litters, bottle-feeding them. So Frank is quite well socialized.
I had thought I could pick Frank up from B, but the shelter is pretty strict, keeping tabs on all the animals they foster out/adopt out, so we had to go there. Yesterday, they had many, many cats, the majority of them black or Tuxedos (they even had a top 10 list of reasons to adopt a black cat; if you can, please do so!). They also had a rabbit and a ferret, cohabiting a cage.
Frank fits in immediately:
A miracle! They all enjoy and share!!
but watch the video for true sounds emanating from a couple whose noses are squarely out of joint. They also gobble up the kitten chow, as if doing so will eliminate its intended consumer.