I was going to post a ghost story (a true one, too; Reya knows . . .), but with the thinning of the barrier today between worlds, perhaps it's better to think about my mother, and where she is.
Ghosts may be for tomorrow . . .
An occasional posting
golf . . . PGA is acceptable in all references for Professional Golfers' Association (note the apostrophe); LPGA in all references for Ladies Professional Golf Association (no apostrophe).I could go on. That apostrophe stuff kills me. But I'll spare you.
somebody stole all the Obama/Biden signs in my neighborhood! But, oddly, all the McCain-Palin signs are still standing. What can this mean? Does that idiot think by taking away the signs, he's taking away our votes?? Well, it gives me an excuse to go down to campaign headquarters to get more and maybe donate a bit extra.
Here are a couple, just because:
I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand,
Then I'll say that something,
I want to hold your hand.
-J. Lennon & P. McCartney (1963)