Thursday, August 23, 2012

Its Royal Ripeness

Well, a bit out of focus. JGH sent me a packet of Minnesota Midget seeds. This spring, I planted four. Four burst from the soil of their little cell packs under the kitchen window in the makeshift greenhouse I fixed up. A sheetcake container from the grocery store is excellent for this purpose.

Four were transplanted to the community garden (veg) patch.

Four went into plant shock (would they live?!). Speculation abounded

Four survived, prospered, flowered, were pollinated, and produced many many melons!! (see my FB banner for two beauties that were sacrificed too soon to my utter ignorance of what it means to be a ripe melon.

They are a bit flowery tasting, not exactly the cantaloupe we are used to. How satisfying to have such a thriving plot.

Otherwise, tomatoes were ok, though we had a volunteer from last year take over: a tiny gold tomato that you must eat immediately upon ripeness, or it rots as you look at it. Peas: gone before they produced.

Mexican bean beetle had a field day, but we still got several meals out of them.

Peppers were plentiful (though small) enough to make stuffed peppers for the freezer.

Zucchini were great tho scarce. Very hot, this summer was.

Thank you, Roy and Kurt, for rallying around!

1 comment:

Kurt said...

I once grew three sunflower plants in our yard, back when it had a patch of sunlight. Our trees got bigger, and the whole yard is in shade now.