Thursday, August 30, 2007


was our 20th anniversary! How did I celebrate? By taking my first spinning lesson, of course, and trying on a necklace D asked Stacie to design and make for me!


Anonymous said...

Another knitter drinks the spinning kool-aid... Not me, though, I'm a knitter and nothing more. Do show us pictures of your fleeces rovings and yarns and your wheel. You will buy one, you know.

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary!!! 20 years!! how wonderful.

lettuce said...

what gorgeous jewellery - i'm glad to have found her!

hope the spinning went well. I love spinning, i find it so therapeutic. I think one of the most important things while learning is to try to relax.

deedee said...

Bon anniversaire!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! The necklace has a lot of design to it, style.

Hey... a spinning lesson is a wonderful way to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!

R. Duckie said...

Spinning wool? Spin-bikes? Spinning wool, I assume.. My Grandma is one..

R. Duckie said...

ooops, I was so excited about the wool that I forgot to say Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Love feast! May you spin many more wonderful years together.