was yesterday at L's school; there is nothing like it anywhere else. A May Queen and her Court, all the seniors presented to the audience, dances, and three maypoles . . . I had my own thoughts on all of this, feminist in nature, but this is not my school, nor my day, so I'm keeping them mum . . .
Each grade has its own uniform color, which girls must wear on special days; otherwise, they can wear one of any solid color (black included; you can still be somewhat goth here). I believe this is ninth, but I could be wrong (L's is pink this year):
Instructions chalked along the route for the senior class before each girl was presented:
The May Queen gets her own:
A rendering of girlhood; I wonder if it's like this there . . .
Wow! How unique.
Great photos and story. Happy May Day...I was so happy to see a dance around a May Pole in the town we went to today :)
I am glad I got to go...brought back girls' school memories and the friendships...great photo's!!
WHAT? I think I'm missing something on the May Day celebrations and all. Beautiful! But up here in Northern Ontario we celebrate if we maybe just get to see green grass before summer!
I never saw a Maypole in my entire school life! Kids today are just plain spoiled! We were probably taking tests that day.
The quenn gets her own chair--I would expect the queen to get a cushion at least.
wow! nothing like that here!
I had totally forgotten about this type of May Day ceremony. I think we had one at the Catholic school I went to in the States for my first few years of primary school. It's interesting that they still exist.
HI! I've had such troubles trying to get here, I can't tell you! OK I have to be quick, bc these computers are SLOW SLOW SLOW and who knows what'll happen if I hang around..? Last time I got an "Adobe update" asking whether I approved some security certificate (on YOUR BLOG!!) when I attemptedly clicked "YES I DO APPROVE JUST LET ME BLOODY CARRY ON" the silly popup blocker came in and prevented my commenting at all (as your comments come in a popup window...)
ANYWAY about May and Mayday... the tradition of the maypole IS British as far as I know; but we never had any celebrations or anything like the extravagance you pictured... most beautiful.
Also it's all meant to come from the pre-Christian religion of nature-worship and "erecting the pole" has all manner of "fertility connotations"...!!!
Hope all's good with you take care
Oh this looks like lots of fun, what a great school that must be! I love the idea of the coloured dresses and the Maypole!
i danced a maypole on Saturday! it was great!
LG's primary school used to have a May-dancing+maypole day (though, strangely, always in June...) - but i think that was quite unusual for London.
it was fun
but inclined to seem a little interminable
I love it when traditions last over time and this is a perfect example. I love your pictures of the event. There aren't many places where this tradition lingers -- although I've read of them, I've not experienced with any of my children any place I've lived (and I won't go into the number of cities or schools)..
I think it is special!!!
Your evocative images capture that day perfectly. I love the fairytale flavour of the first one, and the girl in their green dresses, a perfect symphony in May greens. The shades of green remind me of a walk through the Vienna Woods these days. Oh, I love May! Thank you for sharing this with us, I have never before seen such a beautiful May celebration.
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