I have this little tableau set up, and I suppose you could say it is a kind of altar to my mother and to family connections. There are pictures of my mother and L (and me, actually . . .), with little icons from France and shells we collected together in England in a glass. The pottery is something I had given to her long ago, because she lived on a mountain with a view. The glass paperweight is there for stability.
I was going to post a ghost story (a true one, too; Reya knows . . .), but with the thinning of the barrier today between worlds, perhaps it's better to think about my mother, and where she is.

Ghosts may be for tomorrow . . .
What a beautiful sentiment you have here today. It looks like you find much peace there.
Such a lovely post.
I look forward to the true ghost story, never could resist a ghost story.
a lovely altar....I would definitely call it an altar! I like what you said about the addition of the paperweight 'for stability'
I really love the mexican tradition of making altars for one's loved ones who have passed on...
look forward to the ghost story. I've encountered a few spirits (not of this coil - so I guess you'd call them ghosts) in my lifetime - not often but I've experienced that thinning of the barrier, first time was when I was a child....
Happy Halloween.
Altars express our love for those who have gone before and those who we carry in our heart and are a tribute to what has made us what we are.
For those who we remember who are no longer here, the period of all souls creates a timeless place where the connection takes place. That is the theory behind the day of the dead altars, and is catholic, too.
But I think the truth is that we die three times: once we we die; a second time when we are buried; and a third and final time when we are forgotten.
That is very loving of you. I salute you!! Happy Halloween, All Souls Day and Day of the Dead.
What is remembered, lives.
xx to you
What a great thing - giving prominent space to the memory of our loved ones.
this is lovely
That is a very lovely post!
Tangible reminders are important.
I like your altar, and the sentiment it expresses. I like the shells, which bring memories of a holiday long ago.
I love your little alter. I have a small room I call my Shrine Room where I do my meditation, and I have little things there that belonged to my mother and father.
Happy Election Day!
yes you can!!!
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