Thursday, April 30, 2009

Theme Thusday: Water

Water, last fall on a walk with L:

Plus, a link to an earlier water post I did about bottled water (thanks for reminding me, Dine-o-Meter!)


Ronda Laveen said...

Nice clip of the falls. Your bottled water post was very good and begged lots of questions.

New Yorker wannabes said...

I love the way water sounds! So calming lol

Thank you for this :)

Candie said...

love that sound!

Brian Miller said...

fun to sit and just watch, and the sound makes me want to doze offffff.....

JGH said...

Interesting that the water seems to be running through a grassy field!

Regarding the bottled water I think people are slowly realizing they need to get the reusable bottles. What a waste of plastic everywhere. My pet peeve is the flimsy "Eco-friendly" bottle put out by Poland Spring. It uses less plastic, but is so frail it collapses before it can be reused!

Roy said...

I love those little hidden-back-in-the-woods streams. We have one in Ballard Park, with a stretch of mini waterfalls as it drops down over rocks. I'm always ducking back the little path that leads to it, just to listen.

Wings1295 said...

Nothing like the sound of rushing, falling water. Thanks!

Kurt said...

This reminds me of nature.

Tess Kincaid said...

The sound of water is so soothing.

Reyjr said...

very relaxing!

The Silver Fox said...

I'd composed a brief "I love that sound!" comment in my mind, then got here and saw Candie Bracci's comment above.

Oh, well, I'll say it anyway. I love that sound!

mouse (aka kimy) said...

dang, now I have to go to the bathroom....

no seriously...

hey, I remember that earlier tt post! excellent idea providing the link, twas dynamite!

Cuppa Jo said...

Loud and rushy. Good effects. Thanks.

Debo Hobo said...

Just watching that 16sec. is do relaxing...makes me want to kick off my shoes and plop down on the ground and stare up at the sky...

Tom said...

ah, the soothing sound of running water...gotta go.

Sandra Leigh said...

Okay, now if you'll just go back and do another recording that's about an hour long, I'll be able to turn it on just before I go to bed. Begone, insomnia!

lettuce said...

really lovely

tho' till I read again, I thought it was spring not fall. i think i have thawing on my mind...

Baino said...

Very refreshing . .it's early here I'll go back to the bottled water post on the weekend. They are not favourites of mine frankly!

Kris McCracken said...

A nice little one the end it!

Evening Light Writer said...

Happy Theme Thursday, water is so wonderful, I came very close to posting some waterfall pictures but didn' your pics..much better than my shoddy photography.

Dakota Bear said...

Love the sound of running water.

I use to drink bottled water, but all that plastic is such a waste.

Michael Rawluk said...

I love water falls. The sound is super.

carolyn said...

rain and thunder huh? Sounds like England!
Happy May Day to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi tutut loved the water video - the water is so calming but now I have to pee. Oops. Cheers1

DineometerDeb said...

No problem tuttut. That is what I am here for, remembering posts ; )

Megan said...

We still do get bottled water occasionally. It's so convenient. Got to learn to think beyond that. Thanks, tut!

California Girl said...

I like this cuz it's yours and it's real. I posted one linked to my title from youtube. I wanted the sfx too. Yours is cool.

e said...

Hi Tut!

Loved your link to the old posting, it certainly raises lots of issues. I hope you are doing well. Best, E

Wanderer said...

Lovely-- hope we can see some waterfalls in The Catskills together sometime.

Middle Ditch said...

I can almost hear the rustling sound of that water. Very peaceful.

Anonymous said...

Great clip - it would be soothing to sleep to.