I feel like going out, but then again, I may sit here a while . . . It's Sunday afternoon, and I'm contemplating what to have for dinner. We are in a dinner entre rut around here, even with all my cookbooks for inspiration. The area we live in is not known for the wealth of exciting ingredients, so I'm often on the chicken/beef/pork circuit. I just can't get excited about tofu. I have one recipe for tempeh I use, but it's for a lunch sandwich mix from Moosewood.
Any suggestions?
Mexican food?? That's what I would eat if I had a choice..
Chicken is ok... so as turkey... bit since Thanksgiving isn't that far away, a salad?
Soups in the wintertime are so appealing to me... they get better on the second day and are so easy.
For years when we lived in Houston, cooking hot foods wasn't pleasant but now in Santa Fe with sprinklings of snow on the ground, I think this is a great idea.
Love your leaf photos -- I, too, have raking memories. And handmade gifts? We should really push this.
Sorry can't help you there - I'm not sure what tofu or tempeh are!
My dear husband came home from work before me today and had prepared salmon. Lovely!
I love fish.
A quiche? Scrambled eggs? Whenever I run out of ideas I usually make something with eggs.
When the last of the clan left yesterday - Sunday - afternoon, Geoff and I headed for Brueggers Bagels for me (smoked salmon, cream cheese, capers and tomatoes)and a Quizno sub for him (beff and cheese) - just could not face another cooked meal! Hope you are well.
You are thinking stone hard.
What became the result?
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